1998 年、村上ポンタ秀一(ds)プロデュースの『Jawango』でCDデビュー。
長年、自身のバンド『Okamoto Island』で活動、CD4枚、DVD1枚をリリース。
2020年2月Okamoto Island解散以降、
528Hzに取り組み、永魂 a.k.aACOON HIBINOの指導の下、
CD『528 Seasons』DVD『薬師寺音の処方箋コンサート』を発表している。
Okamoto was born in 1960. He is from Hiroshima city, now living in Kyoto. He started his career as jazz guitarist.Then he has been playing many kinds of music,such as blues, R&B, funk, folklore, tango, Indian music,Japanese folk and more.He learned chord works from Bret Willmott in Boston, Folklore from Juan Falu in Buenos Aires. His guitar play, both of acoustic and electric guitar, obtained him high evaluation.Especially He released three CDs [Jawango/1998] as acoustic guitarist, [Grand Blue/2007] [You Are My Sunshine/2011]as electric guitarist. He released DVD[Live Lab Okamoto Island/2013]The main musicians that he ever played is: Kazumi Watanabe (g/Japan) as duo Rie Akagi(fl/Janpan) Hiroki Miyano(g/Japan) Tomohiro Yahiro(per/Japan)Vagabond Suzuki(b/Japan) Gustavo Gregorio(Bass/Argentine) Jorge Cumbo (kena/Argentine) works in 2years on Japan tour. (He played with Simon and Garfunkel on El Condor Paso) Muguel Cantiro (Vo/Argentine)Cesar Olguin(Bandneon/Argentine)Miguel Balcos (p/Argentine) Milva (Vo/Argentine)Prodigio (Cuatro/Puerto Rico)Fidel Morales Reyes (dr/Puerto Rico) Luis Pelico Ortis (tp /Puerto Rico)Giovanni Hidalgo(per/Puerto Rico)
from2020,Hirofumi Okamoto started to play 528Hz music with ACOON HIBINO(pianist&composer) and released 1CD and 1DVD.
1960年 広島市生まれ。(現在京都市内在住)
“宇品中学吹奏楽部に入部。サックスやコントラバスを担当。 クラシック大好き少年だった。高校入学と同時にロック、フォークに目覚め、フォークギターを買い、 同級生とグループを組む。同志社大学在学中より本格的にギターをはじめる。 ”同志社大学サードハードオーケストラ”